Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Tutor at the Literacy Project.

Go home and eat as big a lunch as I can because that is what you're supposed to do before the therapeutic phlebotomy that I get every two months to keep reducing iron overload from countless blood transfusions. Also drink more water to help "large-bore" needle go into my poor veins.

Go to Baystate Health for removal of unit (500 ML) of blood. Hope that finger prick shows my hemoglobin to be above the cut-off point of 11.3 because last time it wasn't and I was annoyed that they sent me home.

Take dog on short walk and finish story for Smith Alumnae Quarterly in which one of the students I interviewed went to P.S. 6 just like I did!

Resist urge to sign up for spinning.

Go home and rest up for tennis tomorrow.

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