Thursday, May 8, 2014

In Boston for checkups

I didn't know that I have Graft vs. Host Disease of the eye until my Boston ophthalmologist told me yesterday that it was responding well to the Restasis drops I have used for the past year.

When I saw him a year ago with dry eye symptoms, he said it was hard to tell if I actually had GVHD  or not. So I used those prescription eye drops (kept in the refrigerator so they don't sting too much) and supplemented with an over-the-counter gel. Yesterday the doctor said to increase the Restasis to four times a day because, although it is at a low level, there are signs of a little more GVHD. WHATever.

It was a long day. First I did my mini-run and then drove to Diane and David's, where I parked and took the T downtown to Mass Eye and Ear. I was seen about 4:45 for a 3:15 appointment. At least I had my New Yorker and the New York Times. Then I reversed course and came back. Diane made a good dinner of salmon on the grill – my first grilled meal of the season. Always extra tasty.

This morning I have my regular checkup at Dana-Farber with Dr. Alyea. It's my first visit in two months, the longest time between appointments in five years. I hope I get in on time for my 10:30 appointment, because I have my tennis stuff in the car and would like to get to Enfield for our 1 p.m. clinic. The way things go over there, that is probably just wishful thinking.

I'm not worried about the appointment, but in keeping with the theory that you should never let your guard down, I'm going to withhold judgment until he asks me how my tennis game is and then I'll know everything is OK.

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