Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ten (random) things

1. Things I dreamt.

My father was standing at the net, slicing the ball at an angle, and I thought, "Oh, I see where I got my love of being up there."

My mother and I were making beds in my bedroom in New York, and she said, "There's nothing like clean sheets." I agreed.

2. Things I realized.

If you make a big batch of blueberry pancakes, douse in syrup and fry an egg and then eat the whole thing, your stomach is going to hurt.

If you take all of the pills out of the bag and put them in pillboxes, you're going to save time in the long run as opposed to fishing around and pulling the bottles out one at a time.

3. Something I am determined to do.

Keep a full tank of gas in the car just in case the psycho driver shows up anyway even though I asked them not to send him again. Then drive away.

4. Some things that make me sad.

Not being able to sit down and watch last night's "Daily Show."

The days getting shorter.

5. Some things that are nice.

My friends Jim and Jane Bloom (the happy millionaires off a $5 scratch ticket) keeping Maddie overnight when I had a tennis match and went out after, and then having warm chicken stew and biscuits ready for me when I picked her up today.

Going out for pizza with tennis friends.

Local blueberries, tomatoes, peaches and corn.

Realizing that even though I haven't kept up with the weeds there are still enough flowers for a small bouquet.

Taking out my corn plate.

6. Some things that are satisfying.

Finishing a feature story and turning it in. Being able to play three sets. Hitting the ball at the net.

7. Something that makes me happy.

Seeing the daily photos of Nell.

8. Some things I wonder about.

The popularity of Donald Trump.

Why Brigham and Women's bills my insurance for $11,730.00 each time I get ECP, or "Mechanical separation of white blood cells and platelets from blood."

9. Some things I can't figure out.

Where I put my spare pair of glasses. Where I left my pink hat.

10 (a) Something that wakes me up.

Maddie snoring in the middle of the night.

10 (b) Something I like.

Maddie coming upstairs with me when I say, "Time to go up" and bringing a toy and settling in on her L.L. Bean bed and lying down while I take off her collar.


karan said...

I loved this, Ronni.

susiegb said...

Very nice things :) Though I couldn't believe anyone would combine blueberry pancakes with syrup and a fried egg!!! Is this an American thing I wonder?!!