Saturday, August 15, 2015

Feeling better

After Thursday's fiasco, I called MART to see if I can ride alone next time.

The call taker said a doctor needs to write a letter. Melissa said she is on it.

I'm going to give it another chance because it saves so much in terms of wear and tear on the car and, when it is working properly, on me, and also of course saves money. If my first impressions are not good, I will simply drive myself, which is less of a big deal now than when I had to go twice a week. Some nice friends have also offered to driver me.

Also the next day:

I went to a soothing Friday morning yoga class at the Hampshire Regional YMCA in Northampton. I felt good enough to go to the Holyoke Y for a swim later in the afternoon. Summer is a great time to swim inside because most people are outside. Dr. Alyea, who disapproves of me getting so much sun, would be pleased. I have to push myself to go swimming, but once I am in the pool I am able to get into the Zen of it. I also do some water jogging at the end. It is pretty hard, pretty boring, and I don't last too long. You can get a good shoulder opener just by hanging onto the ladder while getting out of the pool.

This coming Thursday I don't have to worry about who is driving me because I'm driving myself and I generally don't act up. I am going to stay at Margaret's in the hopes of the next day seeing my cousin Chaska Potter, who will be in Boston to give support to her friend Sara Bareilles on the opening night (Thursday) of "Waitress," at Boston's American Repertory Theater; Sara wrote the music and lyrics for the show, which, Billboard announced, will head to New York in April 2016.

Katie saw it, said it is fabulous, and predicted it would go to Broadway. I got a few friends together and got us tickets for a date in September, which was a good thing because tickets are selling quickly and they will be twice as much in New York.

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