Sunday, November 17, 2013

Of rhino horns and other things

Just wondering: Can you sue an allergist for pain and itching when he gives you a test that shows you are not allergic to penicillin and then you take the antibiotic and break out in a head-to-toe rash?

That's all I'm writing about the itches and aches for now. I'm afraid it might be getting a little tiresome (although probably not as tiresome to you as it is to me), so I'm switching the channel today.

So I am also wondering: Have you ever heard that some people think the powder from rhino horns can cure cancer?

I recently read a newspaper story saying that the quest for rhino horns is destroying entire rhinoceros populations because of a myth that rhino horns can cure cancer, among other things. That made me think of other bogus cancer cures, leading to a post on the subject in my Newsmax Health blog.

Click here to read the story.

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